全国服务热线 18210740356


更新时间:2017-01-05 10:31:48


【英文名称】CON-EXPO Bangladesh 2017 
【主办单位】CEMS Global
CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AND E : E for the production of building materials, Construction e, Municipal vehicles, Crane and trailers, Rental and leasing of construction machinery, Construction machinery, Handling E, Elevators, Loaders, Trucks, System Formwork, Building tools, Welding e, power tools, petrol tools, Pneumatic and hydraulic tools, hand tools, Sanitary, Construction and finishing tools, cutting, measuring, drilling, metalworking tools, Scaffolding, nets, Towers, platforms, stairs, ladders, E for building sites, Earth-moving, drilling, piling e, Materials and technologies for construction and
reconstruction of roads, bridges, tunnels, trestles, etc.
CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS : Pre-fabricated structures, hangars, pavilions, Facade materials, Translucent constructions, Building structures, building envelope, Roofing materials, Attic , Drainage System, Thermal insulation, insulation, Mastics, sealants, gaskets, Waterproofing, Bases and foundations, Wall Materials, Fire-resistant materials, finishing materials, facing materials, Finishing work, Wallpaper, tiles, paints and varnishes, Ceramic, stone, brick, concrete, cement, mortar, concrete products, Construction Chemicals, building chemistry, Fireplaces, Shower rooms, spa, solarium, glass, mirrors, bronze, art forging, Floors, floor coverings, parquet, Grills, blinds, shutters, stairs, arches, partitions, Metal, aluminum, wooden doors and windows, E for the production of windows and doors, Fittings and accessories, Garage Doors, Automatic door, Barriers, Turnstiles, E for sports and children's playgrounds, Interior design, service design studios, Interior, Decorative Textiles , Lighting.
REAL ESTATE & LAND DEVELOPERS : Real Estates Companies, Land Developers, Banking Institutions, Financial Intuition, Mortgage companies, Insurance Companies, Investment Companies, Government Agencies, Interior Decorators, Developers & Building, Contractors, Environmental Sector, Attorneys At Law, Realtors Associations, Chamber of Commerce, Apartment Finders and Renters, Other Service companies.
CONSTRUCTION : Urban Development , Architecture and Design, Modern technologies of construction, reconstruction and restoration, Modern design of buildings, structures and roads; Automation in construction, Modern resource-saving technologies and materials in construction, Energy and Energy Efficiency, Landscape architecture, interior design Investment and innovation projects, Lending, leasing, insurance, rent, sale and purchase of real estate , "Intelligent" building, Engineering services, Branch Periodicals. Specialized media. Research and training activities; Information technology in construction.
COUNTRY HOUSING. LANDSCAPING: Wooden House, Log buildings, Cottages of logs, Vacation houses from glued profiled beam, Wooden frame houses, Flush garden houses, Landscape and Design, Architectural solutions for homes, cottages, garden houses, Construction of houses "turnkey", Metal Art and casting, Small architectural forms and garden sculpture, benches, arbors, awnings, canopies, pergolas, Saunas, baths, showers, toilets, сhildren and sports grounds, decorative ceramics, glass, porcelain, plastic, wicker products
ELECTRICITY AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN CONSTRUCTION : Electricity - design and construction, Distribution System, Transformer stations, isolators, High-and low-voltage e, Technical means of energy conservation, energy control devices, Instrumentation and automation, instrumentation control and accounting , Energy saving e, Systems and e supply, Ventilation, air conditioning, Filters, water treatment systems and water treatment, Measuring instruments, meters, Insulation products, Energy-saving technologies , Alternative energy sources, renewable and alternative
在往届“CONEXPO”取得巨大成功后,北京宏联中企携手CEMS将再次邀请您参加2017年10月26日至28日举行的第21届CONEXPO Bangladesh2017,这个展会是一个有关于建筑材料、工程、设备和房地产行业的展览盛会。它将向全国展示行业的快速发展以及新的技术。整个展会的布在高度支持的环境中提供进行交流的大量机会。因此,CONEXPO不仅是一个互联交流基础,而且还是一个寻找商业伙伴和制造,外包,分包,设计和开发以及直接营销的战略联盟的地方。
有来自7个国家的90个展商,订购展位125个进行了展出展示,访问总量 13540+,商务访客 7125+,75%的展商愿意再次参展,77%的展商对访客数量和质量表示满意,83%的展商达到了参展目的,92%的展商对主办方提供的支持和服务表示满意。
电话(Tel): 010-53269801
邮箱(E-MAIL :715038825(at)qq.com


  • 地址:北京 太湖县徐桥镇西平村
  • 电话:010-53269801
  • 市场总监:朱礼中
  • 手机:18210740356
  • 传真:010-53269802
  • QQ:715038825
  • Email:715038825@qq.com